Rev Almon Li 李智峰牧師
Senior Pastor
李智峰牧師於1992年蒙上帝呼召,接受裝備, 先後獲得澳洲科技大學管理學碩士(UTS : MBA);浸信會神學院學士,文憑及碩士 (Morling College : Bmin. ; Dip. In Theology ; MA in Theology)。自1996年起在宣道會事奉。現任山區宣道會主任牧師。
Rev Don Huang 黃衛東牧師
Voluntary Mandarin Pastor
Pastor Richard Chin
English Pastor
My wife and I were sent by our church in Malaysia to Australia as missionaries in the year 2004. The Lord has taken us through various stages in our journey. It is clear to us that God is pleased to direct us to HCAC for our current stage. God has placed a passion for children, youth, missions and evangelistic ministries in me. It is my prayer that I can pass on the “praiseworthy deeds of the Lord” to the next generations (Ps. 78:4-7).
Paul Chan 陳梁豪同工
Worship Ministry Director
2002年:在山宣受洗,同年在Morling 神學院修讀:新舊約終覽、護教學及佈道學.
2005-2009年:參加宣道總會學院的牧者培訓項目及神學四級証(Certificate IV in Theology)
2019年至今:part-time 敬拜主任
Pastor Phoebe Tu 杜非比傳道
Family Ministry Director
1990年在悉尼受洗歸入基督。1999年與杜啓正成為夫婦,育一女一子,立志用基督化家庭來見證主耶穌基督。2020年在 Morling 神學院完成道學碩士學位(M Div)負責山區宣道會的年青家庭事工。