About Us
The visions of the church: Lead people out of darkness into light and become disciples of Christ.
教會的目標:努力傳揚福音,領人歸主. 造就信徒成長, 像主基督. 裝備信徒事奉,發揮恩賜. 教導信徒見証,榮耀主名.
The objectives of the church: Strive to preach the gospel and bring people to Christ. To make disciples grow and be more like Christ.
Equip disciples to serve and exert their gifts. Teach disciples to witness and glorify the Lord’s name.
教會的使命:透過神的話來建立信徒. 透過外展活動,社區工作向外傳揚福音. 透過現代詩歌接觸社群中未信主的朋友. 透過細胞小組關心,牧養信徒及朋友.
The mission of the church: Build each other up through God’s words.
Spread the gospel to the community through outreach activities.
Reach out to those in the community who have not encountered Christ through Christian songs.
Shepherd believers and friends through caring for one another in cell group.
Our core values: